Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Cry Baby

If "crying it out" were a science, I'd have my masters. I've put in many a credit hour on the subject. Initially from reading about it (and vowing it was something I'd never do), then reading about it some more, then trying it and to my great surprise, finding it worked. To the point that what was written in "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child", was being re-inacted to a T. 

The first time I did it, was because 1.2.1 had got to the point where she was waking every half hour, just for a cuddle, and was up for 1-2 hours in the middle of the night. Not crying, just wanting to hang out. I was exhausted after a few weeks of this, so decided drastic times called for drastic measures. 

The first night wasn't so bad. She cried for 15 minutes, then the second night 10, third night 5, fourth night, zero. Exactly what was said would happen. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! hallelujah! Not too tricky at all. The next week, she cottoned on. Realising that a wee cry wasn't sufficient, she went for a full on, blood curdling, heart breaking wail. I of course went in to make sure she wasn't being malled by a lion. I picked her up thinking there must be something terribly wrong with her, or at least expecting a giant burp, but no, she went promptly back to sleep on my shoulder.

She got smart. Wise to my ways, and adapted her game. So the next night, I had my guard well and truly up. Little did I know that that guard would melt and burn a searing hole in my heart. Again she only cried for 15 minutes, but that was the longest, hardest 15 minutes of my life (almost). My husband held me while mascara streamed it's way down my face. He reassured me that we were doing it for her. We'd seen how much more well rested she was from the week before. But man oh man, how that quarter hour scarred me. If I had to do it again though, I would. It has changed all of our lives. Generally she now sleep 11-12 hours a night, and a total of 2-3 hours in naps per day. There are obviously times where the schedule has been interrupted and a little bit of crying has to be endured, and the less frequent it is, the harder it is to do. But the one thing that gets me through, is the knowledge that they really don't remember the crying. The activity is such, that it is designed to be somewhat erased from memory. I've cried a lot in my life, and the times that I have cried myself to sleep, have definitely been very fuzzy. Plus she wakes up with a big fat grin on her face, she can't hate me that much.

Google search of the day "Capoeira videos" - I believe my nephew would make an excellent student. I will be looking up classes here momentarily.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Joy to the World

1.2.1 is now nine months old. She has been out of my belly as long as she was in it, and like when she was inside, she's not stopped moving. The wriggly roo is no longer dragging her wee body across the floor though. As of two weeks ago yesterday, her little fat knees decided to take on half the responsibility of getting her from A to B. Or should I say from one thing she shouldn't have to another? Cause of course, like every other child under the sun, she wants a computer cable over a chew ring, or a remote control instead of her toy phone, or a piece of cardboard over her book. I've got no problem not spending a ton of money on toys, cause she tends to disregard them for a dirty old shoe anyway. 

She is currently experiencing bonny Scotland for the first time in her young life. I was very nervous about how it would go, especially since she's at the age where most children start to get nervous about new people, and was exercising this phenomenon a couple of days before we left. I thought this trip could either make or break her want to be held by other people. But, to my great relief, she turns out to be one of the most social little beings imaginable. Although, it has it's downsides. I stand near someone and she leans away from me and goes in for the kill. This is obviously fine when it's someone I know, but when it's on the bus and we're next to some dribbling drunk, I'm not quite as keen to share.

She's basically just charming the pants off of all and sundry. When she's in her buggy (stroller), and people walk past her, she looks up at every single one and has an expression that I can only imagine means, "look at me!" if they do, she smiles, if they don't, she makes another expression like "why aren't you looking at me!!?" She just wants to spread the joy.

I have a lot more to say on the subject of 1.2.1, but I will leave it hear for now, otherwise I may never post this post!

My Google search of the day "Montessori schools in the Phoenix area" More will be written about this, I have no doubt ; )

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Roses and Clover

Time, where does it go?  I find that as I get older, it becomes more of the hare and less of the tortoise. As a child, I always wanted to grow up. I dreamed of doing adult things. I wanted go to work, not school, I wanted to drink wine, not milk. I'd put multiple pairs of socks on so I could wear my mums heels and make clip clop noises up and down the street. I desperately wanted my ears pierced and to wear makeup, but time went by so slowly and I'd strop about how unfair life was.

Boy do I wish I appreciated that time now. I really hope to instill in my daughter, that it's ok to be where you're at in life. The grass is not always greener. In fact, it's rarely greener. It's usually all dried up, crusty and brown. I lost out on some of the best times of my life, because I was too busy sniffing out the future, and not stopping to smell the roses... but hindsight's a wonderful thing, and I just hope 1.2.1 appreciates her childhood a little bit more that I did.

So yeah, as an adult, time was going pretty fast, but since giving birth, it's sped up to mach 3 and my tiny, less than 7lb newborn, is now a sturdy half year old! For a minute there, I was feeling robbed of that wee bundle, but now I'm realising that she's at the most amazing stage to date. She's not mobile yet, so I don't need to panic constantly, but she's so alert and fascinated by everything. She holds you like a koala, and (probably inadvertently) gives some of the best hugs ever. She just charmed the socks off her great grandparents by not fussing once on a two hour visit. Even after waking up from a brief nap, she just looked around, fascinated by these lovely soft spoken people, and smiled.

She's obviously got her moments though. This month she decided to lengthen her usual one week of bad nights, to two. The sandman seemed to be on extended leave, and I would prey that he'd come back soon and relieve his stand in, who was sorely not up to par. The song doesn't go "Mr Sandman's stand-in, bring me a dream", so he was probably pretty careless and was most likely napping on the job. But then, last night she was back to her normal self, and let me sleep almost all night. I'm not going to count my chickens though, this may only be a brief reprieve, but whatever it is, I'll take it.

My Google search of the day - How to take a passport picture of a baby - She's heading to Scotland, watch out Edinburgh!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mothers Milk... not just for babies

Well it's been a while, but I can safely say my world map is much greener now, since Russia decided to join. Thank you huge land mass, you make me very happy.

A lot has been happening in the world of 1.2.1. We've had lots of highs and we've had some sleepless night lows, but it's all good and I'm obviously being kept very busy with her antics.

Her adorableness has been elevated even more with the development of some of the most glorious eyelashes I've ever seen. Unfortunately it makes me even more vulnerable to being wrapped around her tiny little finger, but I'm sure I'm not the first parent to fall fowl of this.

She turns six months on Monday. I can't believe it. Where has time gone? It seems like only yesterday that I was sliced open and her full head of hair, serious eye brows and big feet were dragged from my belly.

She has her six month check up that day, and we'll find out if she's gained enough weight for her to be able to start solids. I'm not going to jump in immediately if we're given the go ahead, I still need a wee bit of time to get my head around it. But we're definitely in the market for getting started soon. She's very interested in what I'm eating and I think she's ready. My plan is to make my own, so I want to finish reading a very good book about it, that my wonderful friend gave me.

Man, it's taken me two weeks to write this! It's Monday tomorrow, so I better finish this before then, or I'll end up having to re-write it all... definitely a case of bloggers block this last month.

So, a couple of posts ago, I mentioned trying to donate my breast milk. I found a great source and filled out their application. I'm a pretty healthy person, so I thought I'd be a good candidate. Boy was I wrong. Completely shunned due to living in the UK for more than three months during the outbreak of mad cow disease. Bloody farmers feeding other animals offal to grass grazing creatures means I can't help tiny babies get the best start in life. How's that for unfairness. Think of the babies, damn farmers! So maybe I'll take my lead from those London gals that are getting 15 Great British Pounds per couple of ounces, to have theirs made into Ice Cream. Baby GaGa, brilliant!

A lot of people take offense to people making food stuffs (for adults) out of breast milk. I don't get it myself. I'm sure at least half the people that go green at the gills at the thought of some boobillicious desert, are drinkers of good old moo juice. Which, if you think about it as faaaaar more gross than some lovely, clean lady expressing in her lovely, clean house. I'm pretty sure Daisy doesn't use dove to clean her bits before Farmer Brown shoves those big suckers on her udders. And those same people, I'm sure don't stop their babies from suckling on their mummas, just because they get grossed out at the thought... but would they let them nurse directly from a cow? Hell no. So why the squeamishness? I think it's a serious case of hypocrisy. But whatever. As it turns out, I'm not producing an excess any more anyway, seeing as 1.2.1's full nights sleeps were only on a couple of occasions, so I'll just keep it all for her.

I think she's on a major growth spurt, seeing as she's on a second mammoth nap of the day. She probably wants to make sure she's definitely over 14lbs by tomorrow, so the doc can give her the green light to start on the next phase of her precious wee life. God love her.

My Google search of the day - best first food for baby - lots of opinions there... this could take some time.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hi Jinx

Ha! Spoke too soon, didn't I. It's 2am and I've been up feeding 1.2.1 for the last half hour, and now she's just laying awake next to me, practicing her kung fu. Last night I even said to my husband how she must be gearing up for a long night, cause she had double the length of her normal feed. My how I was wrong.

If I'm perfectly honest, I'd be pretty gutted if I didn't get to enjoy 1.2.1 at this quiet time in the night occasionally. There's something about her wee face staring up at me, being lit up on one side by her seahorse, and on the other, by my laptop screen. Then when she's ready to go back to bed, she turns her head up and away, closes her eyes and sucks her fingers til I pick her up and pop back in bed. A very precious time. Just don't do it too often eh, 1.2.1.

My Google search of the day - Can vitamin overdose cause joint pain - Apparently it can. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Got Milk?

Dziękuję for joining us Poland. Good to have you onboard. This world domination thing is painfully slow. Ha, oh well, you can't fault a trier. 

So, I believe on my last post, I mentioned 1.2.1 only woke for a feed once, at 3am. That was Friday. Saturday, she woke at 4am. Sunday, she didn't wake at all. Not once. My almost 5 month old darling child let me sleep aaaaall night long. Well, ok, of course I didn't sleep all night, I kept waking wondering why the hell she hadn't got me up for a feed. I'd have to listen out for the smallest noise, just to make sure all was good. It got to 7am, I heard a sneeze, then nothing. I closed my eyes thinking I'd be woken a few minutes later... I opened them, looked at the time, and it was 8am! Still not a peep! I'm beginning to think something's wrong. I open her bedroom door quietly, and tip toe into her room, only to find her laying there, wide awake, just merrily sucking on her fingers. How long has she been like this? I start realising why some people have video monitors. I used to scoff at the thought of such frivolity. Oh how I laugh (on the other side of my face) now.

The next night, same deal. I woke to find she still hadn't demanded a feed, and again I went in to her room to find her chilling with her wee fingers in her wee gob. This is fantastic news for my sleep, but not for my lady lumps. They feel like (what I imagine is) a really bad boob job. I feed her and pump the rest. I fill the bottle, and then some. I end up with almost 9oz of the white gold. So I put it in a bottle thinking I'll try (once again) feeding her with it later. She takes a little, but she seems to spit out more than she swallows. I wonder why she likes it from one source and not another? She seems to actually like the bottle to chew on, just not for sustenance. When I've frozen it and tried to feed her, it's not been accepted, and it turned out it was off, so I was glad she hadn't ingested it. But why is it off? Is it my freezer?? Is it me??? Whatever the case, I've given up freezing and just keep trying on the fresh stuff, but since she won't take more than a whiff of that, what should I do with the rest? I have fun joking that I'm going to sell it, but really, there's got to be a better way. I look into donation, and it seems there is a really great source out there that takes donations to feed premature babies, so I'm actually seriously considering this. If I can help a tiny little being get the b(r)e(a)st start in life, who am I to argue?

Well, there's lots on the agenda this week, so I'll sign off here, but I hope I can keep warming my fingers on the keyboard and have some more gibberish to share.

My Google search of the day - is Prolacta Bioscience legit - and yes, yes it is.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Knowledge Isn't Always Power

I was very excited for 1.2.1 and my first mummy and baby yoga class this morning. I was slightly concerned about the timing of it since she has been taking some mammoth naps first thing, and I knew she'd need a nap before we left. So when she woke earlier than usual, I thought we'd both be safe to have a wee kip an hour later, when she got sleepy. I set my alarm and snuggled up with my pillow. A wee while later I woke to a sleepy whimper, and looked at my phone (also my alarm). It had gone off, but since my phone has been through several wars, it seems the volume doesn't work, and I never heard it. We were late and I knew we'd never make it. So, instead of kicking myself, I snuggled back up to my pillow since 1.2.1 had fallen back asleep. 

It's a six week class, so no real biggy. I do feel a bit bummed, but I also feel like it was a sign that I wasn't to wake 1.2.1 since she seems to be on a massive growth spurt. So much so, that by her afternoon nap, I kid you not, she didn't fit into her swaddle. Luckily I had some new larger swaddles on hand, being the (somewhat) organised mumma that I am. So, we'll go one more week without her baby peers, but I think we'll cope.

She has some new tricks. One, is crossing her fingers. A couple of days ago she started doing it with her right hand. I keep trying to take a photo of her doing it, so I can send it to the national lottery (UK), and get sponsored for their add campaigns. I don't know how normal it is for a four and a half month old baby to do this, but I feel strongly that they'll think it's pretty cute and pay me a boat load if cash... Huh, I just googled this phenomenon, and the youngest I can find anyone talking about is 9 months. People keep going on about how the information they read about this was "disturbing". What the hell? A baby crossing it's fingers is disturbing?? So upon further research people are talking about how it's linked to autism. Wow, didn't see that one coming. Oh my god, now I'm reading that sucking on their hands obsessively is a sign also... I'm laying off google for a while. 

So another fun thing she's doing is making growling noises like she's a monster. Next thing I'm going to read is that that's a sign of her being... a monster. Oh crap. I wish she'd stop gnawing on my stumpy finger and go back to sleep, mummy needs to go back to bed before she has a breakdown.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

It takes many factors to be in alignment for me to be able to write this blog. It's clear that they have not been for quite a while. I don't know how I managed to write every day for so long at the beginning... I feel bad, cause some of you lovely, yet mental readers still check every day to see if I've written anything... but alas... tumbleweed.

So finally, the stars are aligned, and I guess an update is in order. 1.2.1 is still amazing... nuff said, think I can log off now. Nah but seriously, she just get's more and more awesome every day. She's still not taking a bottle, but she loves her car seat, she's sleeping like a champ (even though her blinds still aren't up), and she never ceases to amaze me with her daily development. If we had carpet in the house, I think she would just roll her way from place to place. A few weeks back she started trying to push up onto her knees, and using her head to scoot forward. She's very smart, but can be quite odd sometimes.

The sleeping issues that seemed to be ironed out and didn't want to jinx by talking about, have gone from good to excellent. Earlier in the week I woke at 2:30am and realised that she hadn't woken for her usual 11pm feed. So, since I was hugely engorged and wanted to make sure she was still breathing, I went in to nurse her. I found her laying there sucking on her favourite two fingers after managing to eek her right hand out the top of her swaddle. I fed her and decided that I'd leave her little hand where it was and see if it would stay peekabooing out, and I'd not have an escape act on my hands (when she removes both arms she can flip herself over and I still don't want her sleeping on her belly). So I made sure all was secure and went back to bed. I didn't hear another peep until 7am. At first I thought this was a fluke, but I've swaddled her with her right hand free every night, and right around 3am, I hear a wee bit of chatter and realise 1.2.1 is ready for her nightly snack. No crying, no wailing, just a wee bit of grunting and babble. Too cute... and awesome for me... 6 hours sleep in a row last night, then another 3 before morning. I'm the luckiest mum alive.

Two nights ago, she ended up being wide awake at her 3am feed, and was all ready to play with me. She kept popping off and looking up at me through the dim light from the hallway, and would give me a massive grin and a giggle. She did this a bunch of times, and as much as I was concerned that she wouldn't fall back to sleep, I couldn't help but giggle with her. It was very sweet. By the time she was done playing with her food, I had decided I would try putting her down anyway. She has this delightful seahorse that glows and plays lullabies, that she got for her Christmas, so I popped that next to her and walked out. When I got back to bed, she was far from asleep, but she wasn't crying, so I just dozed off listening to her cute little noises. Then the next time I woke, I realised she never cried, she just went off to sleep. I was amazed.

Tonight at bedtime, she didn't fall asleep at her last feed, so I decided I would try putting her down while awake again. I expected to hear her chat for a while, but as soon as I turned the monitor on, she was quiet. She had gone off to sleep on her own again. What a doll.

Her naps have been amazing too, so she's just this happy, well rested, delightful little girl. Not sure what I did to deserve such an amazing child, but I'll take it.

My Google search of the day - natural play mats - I want to cover her bedroom floor, so she can roll around until her hearts content.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Optimist Prime

Momentous day. I decided I couldn't take the mutual torture of having 1.2.1 scream her little lungs out in the portable car seat, so I got my husband to change it out and put the baby elephant in (literally, it's the same colour and everything). I thought that all was lost and we were just going to have to suffer when he put her in, cause she was bawling again. But, as we took off, she started settling down and just began sucking on her fingers and updating me every now and then with her cute little babble. Then she just fell asleep. This was on a 20 minute drive, so I was keen to see if it was a fluke. On the way home, it was even more clear that she was a much happier bunny in the grey beast. She was awake the entire journey and didn't cry once. I'm absolutely, positively, 100% super stoked about this revelation, because it was causing a lot of stress and I would avoid driving unless it was absolutely necessary, and that's not handy in a state where you have to drive everywhere.

The next item on the agenda? Taking a bottle. I received the highly rated, strongly recommended, very difficult to get hold of (in the US), MAM bottles. I could only try using them myself today (and that's about as likely to work as offering my husband his guinness through a dirty football players sock), but she actually sucked on it for a few seconds, which gave me hope. We'll get a better idea if they're going to work tomorrow, since I will not be the one administering them. There's a lot riding on these little suckers (pardon the pun), so they just better work... otherwise... actually I don't want to think of otherwise. I'm just going to be optimistic. After all that's what 2011 has been all about so far. I'm loving it.

My Google search of the day "post pregnancy knee pain" - self explanatory really.