1.2.1 has a lovely little area on her (gorgeous) floor where she lays, kicks about, spends time on her tummy and can look in a mirror. We also read books to her here. One I was reading yesterday was a nursery rhymes book. It reminded me of a thought I've often had about how weird, negative and morbid many nursery rhymes and children's songs are. If you don't know them off by heart, look up the words for Ring Around the Roses - Humpty Dumpty - Three Blind Mice - See-Saw Margery Daw - Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater - Jack and Jill - It's Raining it's Pouring - Goosey, Goosey Gander and don't even get me started on Rub-a-dub-dub. Then there's also the delightful Rock-a-by baby... what is that all about? So, quite frankly, I'm not in any hurry to be repeating these lovely little ditties to my innocent wee daughter, but I am intrigued to find out what's behind the history of why this is. So guess where I look... hmmm Google? You betcha (I really need to let Google know and try and get sponsorship...) I find some bizarre suggestions, then I find this:
Once upon a time, a long, long time ago........people were punished by death if they were caught gossiping or talking about the events of the time. Very cleverly, they disguised their converstions with short, easy to remember rhymes. These rhymes stuck and are still popular today, although, their morbid, violent history has been somewhat lost with time.
Whether this is true or not, I'm not sure, but it does kind of make sense and reminds me of how capoeira came about. But that's a whole 'nother blog entirely. Anyway, that was my mind wonderings for the day that I thought I would share with all 3 of you... Bonne Nuit.
My Google search of the day (other than the obvious above) - "How to get Google to sponsor me". No answer to this as yet. humph.
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