Friday, December 31, 2010

Old Acquaintance

Phew, what a week... what a month... what a couple of months... what a year goddamnit. It's the end of another, but this one was very different from any other I've ever experienced. I'm looking forward to a new one though, and getting some stuff going, personally and as a family. It's bizarre to think that this time last year, 1.2.1 was just a bean in my belly. She's come a long way since then, and if it hasn't occurred to you in any of my previous babble, I'm pretty stoked to have her in my life.

I'm not so stoked with the lack of sleep, or at least the multiple wakings and short naps she's been taking. She's had a cold, her first, so it's interfered with that aspect of her being, but in terms of affecting her personality, not at all. She's still as bubbly and smiley and eager to stand up as always. Yesterday I helped her get to sitting while she held on to my hands, and she decided to go all the way up to standing. I was so shocked I immediately went to tell my husband. He was like "oh, she's been doing that for weeks". I couldn't believe it, how had I missed this..? how had he not been so proud that he immediately ran to tell me?? Well, maybe it's because I'm a complete saddo and want to put up a billboard to let everyone know that she's trying to use the remote control, cause she's so clever (or she's just a regular baby that likes to grasp at everything and anything)?. Anyway, I'm smitten and that's all there is to it. I won't apologise for it neither, so there.

Last new year was spent sleeping due to being pregnant, this new year will be spent doing the same due to the pup and all of us having a cold. I have many more new years that can be spent partying and singing "Old Lang Syne", so I'm not complaining. But here's to a long and prosperous one. I hope you all have a safe and happy time tonight, love 1.2.1's mum.

My Google search of the day - "Old Lang Saine" - discovered it was obviously spelled Syne ;)

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