Friday, December 17, 2010

Sleep Interrupted

It's my pleasure to announce the arrival of Thailand to, if that's you, I will shamelessly plug your mission if you shamelessly log on in every country you cycle through. Deal?

1.2.1 woke all happy and chatty again yesterday morning. At 6am, I heard her cheery babble through the monitor and I went through to find her having broken free of her swaddle, and working her way halfway up the crib (if you are a Facebook friend, you can view the pic on my page. V cute). She has a giant grin on her face and seems very pleased with her baby Houdini act. The Swaddle is velcro, so very difficult to get out of, but between 1.2.1 getting too big for it, and the soft side of the velcro getting worn away, she was able to pop her tiny wee hand out the gap in the middle and work it up bit by bit. This wonderfully cute wake up call made up for the three wakings in the night. Yawn.

This morning  however, was a different story. We seem to have regressed a little. After multiple efforts to put 1.2.1 down in her crib and keep her there, I ended up giving in and just bringing her through to our room at 1am. I was far too exhausted to have to keep getting up and going through, and if all it was going to take was a little shoogle and reassurance, better my sanity than her big girl status. I'm not entirely sure the cause of this crib strike. I think it may be a combination of factors (as these things always are), but whatever the reason, I've not given up. It's just a wee bump in the road. To be honest, I expected it before now, so am actually quite impressed, if not rather wakefully impaired. Double yawn. 

I can only hope that she takes several lovely long naps (ha), so that I can take advantage and get some rest too. I'm really feeling for those new mums now.

My Google search of the day - "is it a full moon soon?" - all you ladies out there, I'm pretty sure you know what I mean.

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