Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Pinky and Perky

Cheese before bed and baby in next room, do not a good nights sleep make. 1.2.1 did incredibly well in her crib. She (technically) only woke once, and it was just a feed and straight back to sleep. It should have been a better nights rest for me, but between feeling very sorry for myself that she wasn't next to me (to the point that I had a good weep), and two awful nightmares (the side effect of cheese, I'm convinced), I woke up even more tired. 1.2.1 on the other hand was right as rain. Her first two naps were even better as well, so I'm pretty convinced that 1.2.1 has made the transition to her own room. Sniff. 

She is growing and learning so fast that I can barely keep up. The other day she rolled from her back to her front, and now it's her new favourite thing. It turns out that this doesn't normally happen until 5-6 months, so I'm obviously feeling ridiculously proud. She was definitely making extreme efforts to try and move forward towards one of her books too, so I'm a little nervous that we'll be baby proofing a little earlier than planned. Oh dear.

We're getting into a nice little groove it seems, and we're enjoying every single minute. I just put her down in her beautiful comfy crib after a lovely wind down, and a monster feed. I'm wondering if she'll manage to do a full six hour stretch like she used to before she turned three months... come to think of it, 1.2.1 seems to do everything back to front, but that's ok with me. It makes life a little more interesting... ooops, spoke to soon, she's calling me... I'll be back. 

All she needed was a wee cuddle. She's got me wrapped around her little finger, and what a cute little finger it is.

My Google search of the day - "Unusual gifts for the picky man who has everything" - My husbands Christmas present - he's ridiculously difficult to buy for.

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