Oooh, this blog stuff is rather exciting. I get to see stats of how many people view it. There's a map of the world highlighting the areas that are reading it, and depending on the depth of green, which place views the most. People from the US, UK, Canada, Australia, S America and Germany are all reading my blog! I can tell if they've used a Mac, PC or their phone... even what colour their underwear is. Ok, maybe not the last bit, but gees, this technology stuff baffles me. I'm sure 1.2.1's going to be able to build her own websites by the time she's 5. I think they use computers in pre-schools these days.
My goal, now that I've seen all this excitement, is to get at least one viewer in every country. So I'm asking for your help. If you know one person in another country, pass my web address onto them, and ask if they would kindly read my blog... well, they don't have to read it if they get started and think it's total pants, but if they like it, maybe they can pass it on to another friend in another country, and so on an so on. It would be amazing to light up my entire map in green.
So, all begging out the way, I can get down to business. Todays update. The control freak weaning is coming along nicely. 1.2.1 and her daddy are having a jolly nice time every evening without me. In fact, if she took a bottle, she probably wouldn't need me at all, sniff. In all reality, I'm only gone for a half hour run, but it is good exercise for all of us, physically and mentally. I actually have a long run coming up this weekend (I'm training for a half marathon in January), so daddy and 1.2.1. get to spend a lot more quality time together.
Feedings and naps are still going pretty well, but the constant munching on the fists and litres and litres of drool are still alarming me. I know it's possible for 3 month olds to cut teeth, but how the heck does a breastfeeding mum retain her nipples? TMI? Maybe, but it could be a reality for me. 1.2.1 has a clamp on her, and I can't imagine reasoning with such a wee one. I don't think "Oh please don't bite darling, that hurts mummy's nips" I'll just sound to her like the teacher in Charlie Brown. Well, I guess I'll just have to accept my fate. Maybe I can design a nipple shield and make my millions... or maybe there's already one out there... Oooh, there's my Google search of the day!
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