Don't get me wrong, 1.2.1 is still the most smiley, happy baby I've ever known, it's just that she's got a bit of attitude now. A cute, mini attitude.
This new attitude will now be documented forever in this blog. I'm not very good with scrap books and baby books stuff, so, as my blogaholic friend says, this can be an equivalent of that. As well as a channel for me to pour out the ramblings in my head. I've often found that as long as I write things down, they stop swimming around in it. That can be unfortunate at times, cause once I write a list, I lose it and forget what it was I needed to do/get.
So for the sake of playing catch up, here is some info on 1.2.1. She was born with large feet and an insane amount of hair (we could actually see that hair in the ultrasound... crazy). She's pretty much been able to hold her head up since day one, I believe this is due to building up a ton of strength while she was doing head-spins on my cervix. She cracked her first smile on my birthday, 4 weeks after her birth. When she went for her 1 month check up, the doctor said "don't expect any smiles or coos for at least another two to four weeks", I told him she was smiling already and he practically laughed at me. I showed him the picture on my phone and he didn't doubt me any more. He especially didn't doubt me when, as he was listening to her chest, she gave him a massive grin. That's my girl. A week ago she started pulling herself up (assisted) to a seated position. The next day she rolled from her front onto her back. She talks a lot and makes us smile on a very regular basis. One of my favourite things she does when she wakes in the morning (only just getting back into this after her more fussy awakenings), is grunt a bit as she wriggles in her swaddle (more info on that later), and looks around, paying particular attention to the fan on the ceiling. Then, as I turn my head to say good morning through the bassinet mesh, she gives me a giant smile while her eyes sparkle in the dimness. Pure joy. She never fusses when I change her and she loves her own company, which is priceless.
She is swaddled for every nap and bedtime. I did this originally because I was told to, and I realised why, when she would fall asleep without it and promptly woke herself up by punching herself in the face with her jerky fist flailings. One book I have recommends a partial swaddling after 6 weeks, I carried on though since she seemed to be quite happy with it. In this past week of trial and error, I thought that maybe she would like to have her arms free so she can chow on those fists as she falls asleep. The only problem with that was, she has an unbelievable gag reflex. Every couple of munches, she heaves and I wait for the barf, but it rarely comes. She just gags and heaves and carries on regardless. She even gags when she farts and/or poops sometimes (the inner child in me finds that quite amusing). She won't accept a pacifier and won't take a bottle, possibly for this reason. So I will keep swaddling her until she's 10 if I have to. We all need the sleep.
My Google search of the day - "How not to be a control freak with my child". More on that later.
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