Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Eyes Have It

Well helloooo Slovenia, top of the mornin to ya.

Dealing with Christmas while taking care of a small baby puts blogging on a serous back burner. It didn't help that I had a bit of bloggers block, but I'm sure it happens to the best of us. I thought though, rather than write an even bigger pile of rubbish than normal, I should probably just give it a miss.

So I'm not going to talk about 1.2.1's eating or sleeping, cause I don't want to jinx it. What I will talk about is how 1.2.1 could challenge you to a staring competition, and kick your ass. She's been incredibly alert since the day she was born, but as soon as she could focus, she'd look you straight in the eyes, studying you, moving from one eye to the other. Yesterday she was sitting on my knee, looking at her daddy, and she didn't blink or look away for an age, she beat him hands down. You'd think it might be disturbing for such a tiny being to be so bold, but I just think it's endearing (of course). Those eyes she uses to stare you down with, are beginning to change colour. They've been quite a dark blue up until this point, but there's browny green tinges developing (I'm brown, daddy's green), but it could go either way. I'm just intrigued by the whole process, and the fact that crazy mother nature does such weird things.

Other 1.2.1 updates - The feet she found while sitting, have now been grabbed while lying. As soon as I place her on her back for changes, she goes straight for the feet. She's getting them closer and closer to her mouth, but isn't quite there yet. It's interesting to note that she grabs a lot more with her left hand. Making one think that she may be left handed, or as my husband points out, left eye dominant. I think the former though... or maybe she'll be ambidextrous? Whatever the case, I'm pretty sure we won't need to worry about her using either hand to decorate our walls in the imminent future. She did decorate her daddy in peepee yesterday though... haha, makes up for my poo incident when she was a couple of weeks old.

So I'm off to (hopefully) finish our Christmas shopping. Thankfully 1.2.1 is a good sport and just falls asleep in her baby bjorn, while I spend far too much money on presents. Still, it is the eve of Christmas eve, so wish me luck.

My Google search of the day - "where to buy ballet shoes in Tempe" 

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