Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mad World

Whoah, this is getting serious. I'm beginning to feel the pressure... I must welcome Malaysia and France to my blog. 9 countries down, only about 184 to go. This could take a while. I hope I can ramble on with enough rubbish to keep going for as long as it takes to cover the ENTIRE WORLD.

Ha, wishful thinking. Other thinking - Everyone talks about puppy breath, but you never hear anyone talking about baby breath. Personally I love them both, but baby breath just pips it. I'm sure they're just like Marmite - you either love it or hate it. I wonder if there's a corrolation between who loves and who hates... I'm sure there'll be scientific study done about that one day.

So 1.2.1 spent her second night in her crib. I still felt a little odd when I went to bed, but I was becoming quite convinced that she is better off in there, and that is the most important thing. She woke for a couple of feeds, then, when my husband left for work and I found out it was nearly 7am, I was surprised that she hadn't woken me yet. I fell back to sleep, and about 25 minutes later, I was woken by the cute little squeaks, squawks and babbles that I was so used to in the first 3 months. She had woken up rested and happy. It was a done deal. She sleeps better in there, and certainly didn't seem concerned not to be able to look through mesh and see my stupid mug looking back at her. All this loneliness and scared of the dark crap is total projection on our part. These are learned behaviours, so if I can avoid her having those feelings for as long as possible, I feel like I'm doing (at least part of) my job. And that's good enough for me.

My Google search of the day - "How many countries are there in the world?"  There is no 100% accurate answer to this due to discrepancies, but the number I have gone with is apparently the most used.

1 comment:

  1. That's a ma gurl! I'm very impressed with your self denial. I've seen how much you adore that little bundle of nonsense and so I know what it is taking you to do the job! Rock on! Dadxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
